Thank you for your interest in supporting our campaign. Unfortunately, we are not accepting donations at this time.
Help Me To Make Our Dream Come True

*Donations of 100$ or more will receive a free fitted hat

If you believe in our message of promoting Peace and Prosperity throughout the World, then we ask that you please give a donation. You will receive a campaign bumper sticker which will help us greatly get the word out.

This campaign will not accept contributions from PACS or special Lobbying Groups.

Our logo depicts a white horse with wings riding in the night, it symbolizes an Angel coming to you when you’re in dire need of help, and more importantly, as described in Revelation 19:11-21, it signifies Jesus coming to earth for the second time on a white horse.  The white horse that Jesus rides symbolically depicts the holy and pure power that Jesus has to overcome evil with good.  In the end, God wins.

This is a spiritual war that will not be won through human flesh.  If you believe that any leader can battle through this, without the help of God, you will be in for a rude awakening.

God wants us to stand up and fight, not with nuclear bombs, but with spiritual swords.  Let us bow our heads and pray.