Contact Dan Boronico

Help Me To Make Our Dream Come True

If you believe in our message of promoting Peace and Prosperity throughout the World, then we ask that you commit to only $1 Dollar per Day You will receive a campaign bumper sticker which will help us greatly get the word out.

This campaign will not accept contributions from PACS or special Lobbying Groups.

You will also receive a fitted hat with our logo.  Our logo depicts a white horse with wings riding in the night, it symbolizes an Angel coming to you when you’re in dire need of help, and more importantly, as described in Revelation 19:11-21, it signifies Jesus coming to earth for the second time on a white horse.  The white horse that Jesus rides symbolically depicts the holy and pure power that Jesus has to overcome evil with good.  In the end, God wins.

This is a spiritual war that will not be won through human flesh.  If you believe that any leader can battle through this, without the help of God, you will be in for a rude awakening.

God wants us to stand up and fight, not with nuclear bombs, but with spiritual swords.  Let us bow our heads and pray.